Type: TechFocus

AddibondTM106 – Ecolabel Adhesion Promoter for Waterborne Paints

In response to the growing demand for more environmentally friendly coatings, the industry is increasingly adopting waterborne coatings, particularly in architectural and decorative applications, and now expanding into the industrial sector. A critical challenge in this transition is maintaining strong adhesion to substrates, often necessitating changes of binder, which would require reworking the whole formulation… Leggi tutto »

Panoramica sugli Addittivi Schwegmann/Overview Schwegmann’s Additives

Presentazione della nuova casa mandante Schwegmann Adittivi che ottimizzano la qualità di pitture, vernici e sistemi di rivestimento e migliorano le proprietà del prodotto come brillantezza, distensione, bagnabilità, caratteristiche superficiali.   Chemical products optimising the quality of paints, varnishes and similar coating systems and therefore to improve the product properties as gloss, flow, wetting, surface… Leggi tutto »

Verso la sostenibilità attraverso la nuova generazione di leganti per pitture e rivestimenti

Le resine alchidiche sono un evergreen dell’industria del coating. Sono leganti polimerici che abbinano le proprietà di materie prime naturali con i vantaggi tecnologici di materiale sintetico. Sono il frutto della natura e della scienza. Con lo sviluppo di matrici polimeriche ecosostenibili, Novaresine vuole offrire al formulatore di coatings la possibilità di formulare e impiegare… Leggi tutto »

Sustainable protection for mineral building materials

Now more than ever, we need to safe resources where ever possible. With Evonik’s product group Protectosil® we can make a significant contribution to the future. By elongating the service life of constructions that are part of the public infrastructure as well as private households, significant amounts of raw materials, energy and CO2 can be… Leggi tutto »

More sustainable coatings: think Polyamide additives!

We are living in a period of transition for the coatings industry where reducing the environmental impact of a paint is becoming a new way of development. The different possible approaches by formulators are: by modifying the paint manufacturing process, by recycling packaging materials, by selecting new raw materials, or else. The raw materials can… Leggi tutto »


The emission of greenhouse gases (among them CO2) has a direct impact on rising temperature on our planet. Climate change is one of humankind’s biggest existential threats and leads to changing weather patterns and rising sea levels that threaten food production and might force millions of people to migrate Wanhua is a leader in sustainability… Leggi tutto »


Formulators, producers and users of adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings are focusing more and more on sustainability. Key for differentiation is the choice of raw materials that support a company’s sustainability strategy while maintaining high performance. Our goal in ELEMENTIS is to raise awareness for the selection of additives, with regard to sustainable ingredients, sustainable… Leggi tutto »