Ke.Sa Additives

Stand: 237

Telephone: +39 0332 850349
Address: Via Maja, 5/Bis, Arcisate, VA, 21051, Italy

Company Profile

Ke.Sa. Additives Srl
Fondata nel 2007 Ke.Sa. Additives Srl nasce come produttore e distributore di additivi per materie plastiche, cosmetica, masterbatch, resine e indurenti per sistemi epossidici.
Operiamo con successo nei settori delle plastiche, del coating e della cosmetica a livello nazionale ed europeo, offrendo un ottimo supporto tecnico e commerciale ai nostri clienti.
Da alcuni anni collaboriamo e siamo distributori ufficiali dei seguenti marchi:
• BB Resins Srl (Coating)
• Deurex AG (Cere PE, PP e di altra natura - Prodotti BIO e provenienti da fonti rinnovabili)
• Lifocolor Farben & Co. KG (Masterbatches di colori e additivi per tutti i Polimeri)

Il nostro catalogo comprende:
 Plastificanti normali e BIO
 Biossido di Titanio in prepesati
 Opacizzanti
 Sistemi poliuretanici all’acqua
 Resine e Polimeri in emulsioni
 Additivi vari

Azienda certificata EN ISO 9001:2015


Ke.Sa. Additives Srl
Founded in 2007 Ke.Sa. Additives Srl is a producer and distributor of additives for plastic materials, cosmetics, masterbatches, resins and hardeners for epoxy systems.
We operate successfully in the plastics, coating and cosmetics sectors, at national and European level, offering excellent technical and commercial support to our customers.

Ke.Sa. Additives Srl is official distributor of the following brands:
• BB Resins Srl (Coating)
• Deurex AG (PE, PP and other types of Waxes - BIO products and from renewable sources)
• Lifocolor Farben & Co. KG (Masterbatches of colors and additives for all Polymers)

Our catalog includes:
 Normal and BIO plasticizers
 Pre-weighed titanium dioxide
 Opacifiers
 Water-based Polyurethane Systems
 Resins and Polymers in emulsions
 Various additives

EN ISO 9001:2015 certified company

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